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tutorial help subframe filt ama computer 60hz electronics electric


  • kit237
    29th Dec 2023
    please explain to me id:3066164 and id:3050672
    29th Dec 2023
    ASimpleCreator: id:2061643 Showcases a nice example of single-row computation.
    29th Dec 2023
    ASimpleCreator: There's also a plethora of YouTube videos on the topic, some better than others. Just look up "koggestone addition" or "carry-lookahead addition".
    29th Dec 2023
    ASimpleCreator: Koggestone is usefull for us subframers because it has the potential to be more compact due to the reduction in steps. I see you're in the subframe discord, so I recommend taking your time and reading through that website that was recently posted there on koggestone addition. If you have any more questions after, don't be afraid to come back here.
    29th Dec 2023
    ASimpleCreator: Koggestone is a clever adaptation of the conventional ripple-carry adder, which in the real world makes adders faster by avoiding the "ripple-carry" in most cases. Normally, when a ripple-carry adder needs to carry a bit to the next module, it does this sequentially, thus creating a ripple effect that travels through the adder. Koggestone adders or "carry-lookahead adders" can predict a carry based on the initial inputs, thus reducing delay.
    29th Dec 2023
    ASimpleCreator: You can also prevent contamination of your result due to DTEC affecting FILT, which it's not supposed to, by using the tmp=6 (no effect) FILT mode.
    29th Dec 2023
    ASimpleCreator: Okay, since your most recent save showcases an adder, we'll start there. Right now, there's a row in between every calculation that's empty. You could try reducing that by setting up a sparker array. That's when you have two solid sparks copied down multiple times using DRAY. These are placed diagonal of each other, creating a zigzag pattern.
  • ASimpleCreator
    28th Dec 2023
    also could you maybe try explaining koggestone to me l o l
  • ASimpleCreator
    27th Dec 2023
    im already familiar with subframe & filt, but can you give me some extra knowledge on some techniques i might not know, that would come in handy for making smaller and smaller designs since thats practically one of the main goals of filt
    25th Dec 2023
    Zero5556: The computer itself, though, is finished apart from the conditional flags and jump handling. That shouldn't take much more time.