Original id:2995345 , some unknown ciphered text deciphered by help of "tsifry"(numerals) and "bukvi"(letters) labels (i placed text holders supposing that texts are cifri and bukvi)
slish blin zachem ti eto sdelal eto ne dla teba bilo a ti vot tak, u nego dazhe vse otzivi polozhitelnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think yaroslav will be mad about it.
In that case, you can try to decipher this... thing
@Engank , i see this thing first time lol
I almost wanted to suggest id:3008291 but found you already tried to decipher this three years ago, lol
btw if you found any ciphered message in tpt , send here , ill try to decipher
...and i did the same in save with ":"
@sapient-primum , habit . it is easier for me to read with more visible dots and commas (especially with tpt font lol)
Can you explain why you consistently put a space before every punctuation mark? (In the comments, not the save)
@Stevealu008 , arabic is harder as it either dont have vowel diacritics or uses consonants ('hj`w) as vowels . Also , oftenly you cant accurately read arabic script without knowing the language that uses it (arabic script is used not only for arabic but some turkic languages , chinese and belarusian(belarusian muslims used it))