the eclipse is a small, expensive space yacht with a powerful atmospheric engine (manually feed oxy) and an ion engine for space. also has an RTG for doors and engine spark. 20 upvotes and I'll make an armed version
my brother in christ this is an entirely different ship. go back and look at the old spaceship. what i was talking about in my comment was a private save where I made minor improvements to doors, fire suppression and structural changes based on the original hull. it looks nothing like the other ship.
Wheres the credit to the OG spaceship? looks almost identical and you even made a comment on that post saying you would give credit.
nice , +
it wasn't designed to. shut the doors and it'll survive Internal fires. I've made a version that survives pressure and vacuum. and this thing is designed with slow reentry in mind so it won't have to worry about burning up
it cant survive fire or pressure :(. The two things in space, and in reentry
ok thats my upvote
I like it, it's cool
whoops sorry forgot to label controls. got it now