LORE: Shining with the light of a million hypernovas, this bomb consumes all that stands in it's path. ACTUAL DESC: This bomb is at least on par with the Zaelon and potentially better. Try both out, they're pretty good.
conv(warp) might actually do some damage tho, but i've never seen any variation of conv in a bomb
i think the "most powerful bomb on tpt" was reached years ago and every bomb since has just been at the same power scale as it with a different design
very nice! +1!
yea thats cool
I can't decide if Azure-Superium is stronger or weaker...
NugsWorld: ****the more you know****
OhNoItzBuster: Oh, I didn't know LIGH melts HEAC.
NugsWorld: lol
oh and rlly hot warp
uhh yes??? ligh melts heac