26th Aug 2023
14th Feb 2024
in this nation wide there are no user-made nations, only robots controlled by the comments!! simply say something in the comments to change the map :) (btw coffee made the map)
Kiwi Republic and N.A.A sends a team to western Greenland to explore the hivemind and try to destroy the beacon,name it the Hivemind Exploration and Destruction Squadron (HEDS)
(in russia)
Russia declares independence, it ceases control of the huge german enclave.
ASEAN is screwed now lol
not the kangaroon war again
The Kangaroon Empire also invades A.S.E.N from both sides to unite the Australian continent, planning to invade Onidene next.
Scotland launches newly developed "photon bombs" that were given to them by the Kiwi Republic at the hivemind, burning any infected nearby while causing little to no fallout.
good ol' europe being a disaster
Facebook dies out :)
the incoming aerial bombartment hurts the flesh hivemind, they start to develop building sized flesh mounds with advanced echolocation to find missiles and aircraft and shoot several boney bullets at them to destroy them, the flesh on the mainland starts producing toxins which are deadly to breathe in, the invasion continues