Connecticut starts invading the GE provinces to get a starting point for their invasion
Connecticut,after having developed the most advanced weapons and military,rows their entire state to land with a comically large engine, parking it onto Italy and destroying everything in their path.
the flesh monsters control vast underground labs, tunnels and caves. using these areas as breeding grounds they create a giant wave of monsters. After 2 years around 60 tunnels suddenly appear in sweden, UK, france, portugal and ireland, thousands and genetically modified flesh monsters with robust bodies, bone blades, bone harpoons, organic flamethrowers and wings made of skin emerge and try to invade the mainland, every killed organic becomes a fleshmonster.
Brazil does the invading.
what i meant was that if brazil invades others or does brazil GET invadied
Invasion of brazil or OF brazil?
Portals leading to brazil open throughout America, leading to an invasion.
Scotland decides to try and invade Spain to get more resources and access to Europe
An experiment gone wrong releases an army of flesh monsters in iceland. they start taking over the island and constructing a giant flesh beacon to expand their influance.