24 / 6
26th Aug 2023
14th Feb 2024
in this nation wide there are no user-made nations, only robots controlled by the comments!! simply say something in the comments to change the map :) (btw coffee made the map)


  • ThingamabobOverseer
    8th Oct 2023
    Kangaroon Empire sends aid to the warlord state to try and help them destabilize Onidene,They give North Korea to the warlord and get a small piece of land in China in return.
  • Umm
    8th Oct 2023
    A Chinese warlord who is said to be reincarnation of Cao Cao takes up arms and starts a war against anyone that is occupying Chinese lands declaring himself Emperor in the process, being able to reclaim most of Eastern China but being stopped further inland towards the West
  • yesyesy
    8th Oct 2023
    walter white sugar :skull:
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    7th Oct 2023
    explosivepowder:The Floridans could just corrode straight through the tanks by just touching them from the sheer amount of Walter white sugar in their system.
  • explosivepowder
    7th Oct 2023
    Mayan empire rebels out of Benegokanel in the yucutan peninsula, which disconnects it from the carribean. Florida takes the opportunity and goes to war with Benegokanel (with their crackhead army, so undefeatable) to take the carribean. Also begins making alliance negotiatons with appalachia and KFC.
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    7th Oct 2023
    The Ant Union economy and defense being absolutely demolished from the failed invasion lets the bees to take over the nation, ending the war and changing the whole country back to the Bee's Republic of Honey
  • yesyesy
    7th Oct 2023
    of course the balkans are a disaster
  • Umm
    7th Oct 2023
    Following years of prejudice and mistreatment, a populist uprising overthrows the government currently in charge of the territories of Bulgaria, swearing to liberate all of the Balkans under Bulgarian rule, at the same time Serbian nationalists take advantage of the situation and start their own war of liberation.
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    7th Oct 2023
    Kangaroon Empire invades facebook to take more of Australia
  • Ingot
    4th Oct 2023
    all government everywhere