26th Aug 2023
14th Feb 2024
in this nation wide there are no user-made nations, only robots controlled by the comments!! simply say something in the comments to change the map :) (btw coffee made the map)
fun fact: the smallest country (by far) is the Free Republic of Alaska with only 21 pixels of territory! (38.337 km aprox.)
oh kangaroo empire gotcha
whos K.E.?
The Kangaroon Empire and N.A.T sign an alliance.So the K.E starts launching missiles at Aussian bases, starting a massive war.
they might be planing something
bascu republic seems real quiet
Mexico and appalachia declare independence from the north american tribes. The tribes declare war on them for this.
What time is this even in lol
fun fact: largest country is North American Tribes
The Lybian Sultanate expands into german-controlled africa.