26th Aug 2023
14th Feb 2024
in this nation wide there are no user-made nations, only robots controlled by the comments!! simply say something in the comments to change the map :) (btw coffee made the map)
The BPH surrenders to the Ant Union,and is then turned into the Honey Coast as a puppet state.The Ant Union then uses the resources gained to invade Kasorstak
The ant republic decides to change their flag to have white lines coming from each point of the star
Republic of benigokanel gets attacked by North American Tribes
With a vision for the North American Continent, The North American Tribes try subjugate the Free Republic of Alaska.
The Kiwi Republic and the Kangaroo Empire both end the war after both developing nuclear weapons to avoid them both wiping each other off the face of the Earth
i love how theres a bunch of fictional countries and then its just: s c o t l a n d
Scotland uses the collapse of the GE to take norway and sweden
This save is a battle Royale of nations now lol
@Umm: what the hell
The kangaroon Empire sends troops over to the ant union to help their ally,the BRH