26th Aug 2023
14th Feb 2024
in this nation wide there are no user-made nations, only robots controlled by the comments!! simply say something in the comments to change the map :) (btw coffee made the map)
Administrative overburdance, global tensions and a economic crash result in the German Empire falling apart into civil war with its African and Eastern European provinces rebelling. The largest of the rebellious provinces are the reformed Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Libyan Sultanate with smaller states that similarly declared independence.
fun fact: the oldest war that is still going is the Nitod-Ausisa republic war
The BPH being in Mongolia
We already got worms so might as well add the Ant Union in Africa at war with the Bee's Republic of honey
madagascar remains under warlord control and will be subject to frequent pirate raids
Eh, I'll join in on this: Kasorstak and Uzisko take advantage of the collapse of the C.A.U and split the warlord states between them, the pirate states also nab some of the coast.
Why does every animal on earth have beef now lol
soap worms take over a part of antarctica
Finally end the Australian war
We need more whiskey, make Scotland independent