26th Aug 2023
14th Feb 2024
in this nation wide there are no user-made nations, only robots controlled by the comments!! simply say something in the comments to change the map :) (btw coffee made the map)
The pirate states are bad fighters though, they have muskets from the 1700s. So they lost about 20% of their land.
A plane from kasorstak also bombed a trade port in the pirate states, starting a war.
Soldiers patrol the wall, killing any pirates that try to cross the border wall.
So a wall has been built along the Kasorstak-Pirate State border.
A city lies close to the border of Pirate State. But there is lots of unrest there. The pirates have been stealing people's belongings such as jewelry, food, and clothes. They have also been attacking the citizens.
deco is the political map, it would mean a nation would be joining a alliance or losing land. which the hive wouldnt join a alliance and the lands taken by it simply mutated to badly they would be unusuble for anyone but the hive
TM16_: They're not destroyed just combined with DECO
yeah the hive are back at killing, also ps you prolly shouldnt allow orders if they are too drastic like destroying several nations in 1 go
mate what happened to the hive lol
All the European countries unite to form the European Alliance (which has the EU flag)