26th Aug 2023
14th Feb 2024
in this nation wide there are no user-made nations, only robots controlled by the comments!! simply say something in the comments to change the map :) (btw coffee made the map)
Kasorstak has visions of Allying Bees Republic
Or now
Beamngdriver: Around 2pm
so how does this work when does the map update
The land that the Libyan Sultanate had is unoccupied space.
Libyan Sultanate also becomes defeated by Kasorstak
Kasorstak splits into seven nations after gold, diamonds, salt, and oil was found.
Kiwi Republic,after having several of their allies invaded by the kangaroos,declared war on the K.E, starting a nuclear war that immensely weakens both.The turmoil caused by the war leads to the eastern coast of the KE to get taken by pirates,and the Kakapos rebelling in New Guinea after the military is destroyed.
a sudden resurgance of flesh monsters in UK, they are using the tunnels they made to suddenly pop out of the ground and flank their enemies. they also seems to have infected several whales and are now creating whale sized flesh ships basically, god hope they dont get access to planes
the flesh monsters being bombed, develop their anti nuke weaponry which is just a big flesh sack with fly like eyes and several heat and radiation sensors to pinpoint the exact location of a missile and lauch a bone spike at it at extreme speeds. They also seem to be digging extremely deep tunnels into the earth. the lands that they claim and are near probably have underground access points for them. they continue their push into europe.