26th Apr 2011
29th Dec 2014
No Description provided.
I love explodin' it!
Hell there, your save is copied by a user named Toby. Here is the saveid to his copyed save. I have already reported him to the moderators, with a link to your save. Heres the copier's id: 1191673
anhilated by my ligh+gmbg bomb
I like it.....
i also noticed my device appears to create its own detrium out of nothing turn it inot nutrons then restarts also creates noble and C02 with a side of electrons
i wanted to test the saftey of my soon to be done SSD self sustaining device...... in the first phase with abiment heat on it turned the center into a lava pool just from heat its second phaser metled everything
and I was making a joke about the ads too, I think I just diddn't really make that very clear. sowwy for the incovienience
I was making a joke off of yours. Sorry for the misunderstanding, of course a one px bomb can't do all that. Though an ID to yours might be nice (hint hint)
i really did destroy it with a 1px bomb though... it was bcln cloning bcln, overlayed with bcln cloning dest, overlayed with bcln cloning hygn...
erm... randomness5555 i was poking s**t at all the stupid ads... how do you expect me to deco 1px to look exactly like the mona lisa? let alone how to make anything in tpt produce real world meatballs!?