5 / 0
24th Sep 2023
29th Sep 2023
Feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments. CHANGES:replaced the GAS and FAN walls for stor and ppip, replaced the frzw in condenser for ptct, tried to make the foundation less invasive


  • GodOfChaos
    29th Sep 2023
    it works
  • GodOfChaos
    29th Sep 2023
    i tried to do.... something
  • GodOfChaos
    29th Sep 2023
    alr removed all walls
  • EnganK
    29th Sep 2023
    Now I can almost call it a good save! You can still replace the CONDUCTIVE WALL with titanium wire surrounded by INSL to finally get rid of the walls. The foundation looks a little less invasive, but you can add some bumps at the bottom to make it look a little more natural (I use this technique a lot in my saves). Finally, the landscape itself could be improved, but I think this is impossible without redesigning it from scratch.
  • GodOfChaos
    29th Sep 2023
    yk what? replacing the frzw with ptct worked quite well actually
  • GodOfChaos
    29th Sep 2023
    i guess i could fix the water freezing inside the condenser by replacing the FRZW thingys with PTCT
  • EnganK
    29th Sep 2023
    You should also still work on integrating the structure into the surrounding landscape (for example, replacing the sand under the foundation with BRCK and making the foundation itself a less invasive rectangle). But this save is already better than it was, so +-0 instead of -1
  • EnganK
    29th Sep 2023
    All FANs and GAS WALLs can be removed, CONDUCTOR and CONDUCTIVE WALL can be replaced with a regular conductor passing through the pipe wall. The "condenser" must be isolated from the top pipe because eventually all the water freezes in front of the condenser, stopping the power plant from running. The easiest way to do this is to place a PIPE at the top of the condenser. Also INSL near combustion chambers is useless (and burns out almost immediately).
  • GodOfChaos
    28th Sep 2023
    ok (cts)
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    28th Sep 2023
    Try making it with a dtec grid instead of wall since it'll only respond to water vapor and you can deco it to be invisible.