14th Oct 2023
14th Oct 2023
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@Jerehmia: Sure, I've successfully made a 60Hz max selectable refresh rate 1~2 frame latency (comes from the probe,which is unavoidable if i want it points down)verson,I will soon publish it after finishing my fusion reactor
@C2H6S: You can easily make the display 0-frame by putting those horizontal FILT bars above the ARAYs, layer those ARAYs on top of LDTCs that sense the FILT bar, and put FILTs one row below the ARAYs. This way the new FILTs will get updated before the ARAYs emit the BRAYs so the 1 frame delay is gone.
ASimpleCreator: The latency mainly comes from the calculation process.Probe 1 frame + calculation 6 frames + display 1 frame ,8 frames in theory.Refresh rate is restricted by calculation process.
very nicely done! +1!
Lateral thinking with those digit extractors +1.
is good
im pretty sure latency depends on how you get the heat to the thermometer, if you were to use heac and temperature sensors and of course filt you could get it to be 60hz assuming your thermometer itself is 60hz
ehhhhmazing -nickeh30