An operating system inside of tpt. Not complete, you can suggest features in the comments or tell me about bugs so i can fix them. Also use tpt.setfpscap(2) in console(~) for faster speed.
definitly yes.
Now I've implemented getc and soon I'll do gets, btw should I make a forum for the talk about this compiler and the os?
I've successfully added pointers to the C compiler which makes me be very close to actually finishing the compiler, only thing is probably a few optimizations here and there.
As for my compiler, It's pretty easy to modify but I don't anyone is going to read my code.
You don't actually need to modify my compiler to do that, I used LBPHacker's assembler to turn the assembly into code for the computer so if you can implement binary for another computer into that assembler then everything will work (assuming you implemented it correctly)
is it possible to reprogram your compiler so you can code on other computers? I mean, if that is easy to do
My god this is amazing. +1
UPDATE: I have putc and puts, next is getc and gets, all programmed in C and inline assembly
I can currently compile some simple C programs which is amazing but it will still need some work to get perfect, but to me the idea of just using C to program something in this game is amazing
True, I will add some code that will go over the assembly after it's been compiled and optimize it, my current roadblock was pointers but I think I just figured out a way to do them.