An operating system inside of tpt. Not complete, you can suggest features in the comments or tell me about bugs so i can fix them. Also use tpt.setfpscap(2) in console(~) for faster speed.
from work*
i just came back to work and came to see how its going. I'm impressed by the typing speed improvement so cool. its gonna be my favourite daily tpt save :) keep up the great work
review , 10/10 it can echo text at a blacing speed of 2-4 characters per second , now we just need a faster tpt computer that can handle TPT itself (maybe via use of particle physics themself like a quantum PC)
just so u know that even tho i have reading issues and cant see far disstances i have no problem reading the text on the small screen even across the room (1.8m)
Coding in basic would probably be impossible at this stage
This is so beautiful and complicated even mumbo jumbo would be impressed.
Add a text adventure game and coding in BASIC.
@IEATDIRT I mean like a program you download (e.g. gcc) and that gives you an asm file you can assemble into the game using tptasm.
I know some C, but C might be a little bit beyond tpt computers, maybe if the compiler was a lua script or something though
also my plans were to make a c compiler for this if you know the c language but I first wanted to make this os.