An operating system inside of tpt. Not complete, you can suggest features in the comments or tell me about bugs so i can fix them. Also use tpt.setfpscap(2) in console(~) for faster speed.
oh lol yeah I died too when I looked at coding examples for the R216K2A but I got used to it, after learning it it's not really that hard. The hard part is optimizing the living breath out of it.
I don't hate anything about the source code, i've just never actually seen any assembly source code for any flavor of assembly
@IEATDIRT I will do the add,sub,mul,div also I would love to hear what you hate about my source code because I want to improve it if you have anything against it.
oh god i just looked at the source code i have made a grave mistake
About commands, how about some super basic math commands? like ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, that should be fairly reasonable to do
also @LogikMacherDE I wanted the screen to be big because the other one had too much wrapping going on which made everything hard to read.
UPDATE: Replaced keyboard and made game run in more fps which means more cpu speed. WOOO MORE PERFORMANCE BABYYYYYY
makes sense the screen is kinda big
@LogikMacherDE The driver is made for this screen only and not for other screens that's why it didn't work, also I'm working on replacing the keyboard driver to make it work with a different keyboard
ok made tpt on it id:3028127