An operating system inside of tpt. Not complete, you can suggest features in the comments or tell me about bugs so i can fix them. Also use tpt.setfpscap(2) in console(~) for faster speed.
nope. it dosent work with da smaller screen
i putted diff screen on it and it dint work or i need to copy the intire thing and not just the code
Linked source code.
@JonaHungary unfortunately there's nothing i can do about that, what I recommend is using tpt.setfpscap(2) and then holding the keyboard keys for like half a second before releasing them. I will try to change to another terminal peripheral but this one had the easiest driver.
the keyboard is painfully laggy, sometimes it works and sometimes it dosent
@LogikMacherDE I didn't steal the code but I didn't want to share it yet because it was ugly and uncommented after i finish commenting it which will take me another like 10 mins I will release the code.
add a progrees bar where the compiling commands is
so um with you context i understannd ypu stole the code also i meant with compact the one that rn in there dosent take up a huge chunck of memory but just a bit
@z4dg9ssw135 sure lemme do that
change "Welcome to tpt os!" to "Welcome to TPT OS!" because lowercase looks pretty bad here