An operating system inside of tpt. Not complete, you can suggest features in the comments or tell me about bugs so i can fix them. Also use tpt.setfpscap(2) in console(~) for faster speed.
later i will add another 6kb of ram to the computer so it will have 8kb of ram (that also includes the storage space).
I have plans for adding a file system like FAT12 to it later but it will only have 2kb of storage at max.
@IEATDIRT I know, it took quite some time to get the drivers up and running so yeah that's why it doesn't have a lot of commands also i need suggestions for commands. Also please be realistic cuz I have to do it all in assembly.
@LogikMacherDE how do you know the code is compact? I didn't even upload it.
code is very compact!
this is amazing!
LET ME TYPE GOOD DAM HELP but this reminds me of MS dos meaby ill be eable to write more os to it
quite cool, but barely any commands, BASIC interpeter when /s
amazing job i am excited to see future updates o/ keep up with the great job