An operating system inside of tpt. Not complete, you can suggest features in the comments or tell me about bugs so i can fix them. Also use tpt.setfpscap(2) in console(~) for faster speed.
tptos2 should have some sort of "workspace" to make programs for r216 lol
This project is alive again, I'm currently making a C compiler for this computer so I can program it in C, and TPT OS 2 will rise soon after, it will probably also be faster because I'll take time to optimize the compiler and the assembly code produced by hand. For now my goal is to make a remake in C and then add new features that weren't possible before. Wish me luck!
I might make tpt os 2 if i get motivation again but currently working on a horror game in unreal engine
): sad ending
sorry everyone but I gave up on this cuz I got bored.
Put it in some sort of loop by dividing two decimals
This is truly awesome !!! +999999999999 You made a great job !!!
i now see why deco is on for this crap, it's just rainbow spaghetti, looks like someone ate too many skittles
i made it say "cheese", just "cheese", coz i felt like it, i finally did something truly fun with this game, well other than making fusion reactors
Actually insane. +1 We have come a far way from Minecraft Redstone computers