An operating system inside of tpt. Not complete, you can suggest features in the comments or tell me about bugs so i can fix them. Also use tpt.setfpscap(2) in console(~) for faster speed.
its fixed no need to come now :)
i need help
@AS_softwares you can use tptasm it's not a mod it's a lua script. And the computer can be programmed only in assembly.
what mod can i use to program this computer?
super fun to destroy +1
UPDATE: faster div10 function which means that printing numbers to the screen is now a lot faster.
@z4dg9ssw135 That's because the . and , have values just like 123456789 for example the ascii value for . is 46 and the ascii value for , is 44
@PoissonXP the tpt.setfpscap(2) is a thing I already recommended. and add or sub with big numbers is fine it just takes a long time to print them because printing big numbers requires a lot of divisions which are really slow.
@Mercury11 Well division by zero breaks anything but I will add a safety measure so you can't do that. Also you didn't break it just made it give you a really big number which will take a long time to print because my current div function is really slow. (Can't really get better without losing a lot of precision.)