An operating system inside of tpt. Not complete, you can suggest features in the comments or tell me about bugs so i can fix them. Also use tpt.setfpscap(2) in console(~) for faster speed.
everthing else :l, this :0
add FAT32 file system and apropriate commands for it.
I thought I'd never see another OS on TPT, amazing, +1!
made a small update that removes some code from the input driver that just wasted time
there first must be a programming language which is already hard enough and prob won't fit in it's ram
...there also should be a code editor some day
But i'll just use the ram
@z4dg9ssw135 I would've wanted to add a hard drive to it but I don't know how to engineer peripherals myself yet
...As soon as data directory will be available i suggest adding dir command and few others that let you edit the data in it
i really want a gol programm that you can make cust rules with but proppaly asdw keys for please ment a is x w is y s place/destroy w is rule editor