An example of my neurons used to build a network, this one is self contained. UBERNESS pointed out visual disp is like an EEG, I am expanding. Just spark the inputs, only 1 is needed. Then sit back, relax and enjoy the show or spark some more!
The neurons themselves a day (trying to minimize size while maximizing efficiency), once those were done I just made them stamps. Prob took 10 min to setup the whole thing. But it seemed a lot longer
LOL i saw "fart-o-phone" go by LOL LOL LoL lol lol... fart a phone? whats that?!?!
very complex like that water distiller on the front page a while ago, how long did it take to make?
Baldboy_666 claims to have seen a "shoop-da-whoop" scroll by
Uberness was the first person to say it seemed like it was learning :P
Ya see the "?", I named it that because the visual output can contain patterns that resemble letters, images, etc. As time goes on the output becomes more complex, kind of like learning
That sir, is the coolest thing i have yet seen in power toy
This is pretty much a very complex randomizer, i think, however it is very nice. I would definitely be impressed if it developed a not-preset pattern, but i dont quite see that, voted up for awesomeness.
powder-phun is correct, an ai can learn, and modify from past code, for example, if a code tried to modify the ai, the ai would learn the code, and remember it to destroy it, but good work any way!
its not ai - it cant modifity itself and its only rnd