any way, thingamaboboverseer, are we allys?
we increase money production with our "mushroom oil" tech. the city of mushroomia (the city at the mushroom arcapelago) basicly just makes mushroom oil. it makes the same a mount of moeny as a oil drill, but sadly polluts x20 more. the world will get climate change by year 50
"VoidLord002: Can't wait for the finale of this where Issac Proton and Ivan Electron have a fight for the fate of the universe." ha ha yes
I further continue the economy boost efforts id:3063968.Also,a biologist researching ways to kill pathogens puts a UV lamp next to a petri dish and leaves it for a few days.When he returns,some of the bacteria had died,but some had slight variations in their offspring, with some being more resilient to the harmful rays, making them able to spread their genes to their offspring,and outlasting the non-mutated cells.
kit237:Beam started the war,but VoidLord hasn't done anything yet
VoidLord002: Can't wait for the finale of this where Issac Proton and Ivan Electron have a fight for the fate of the universe.
Don't worry void lord: I will make sure we get rich. \($o$)/
Quick announcement: The 24 and 25 of December the map wont be getting updated due to Christmas.