28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
I find an Asherem and send ambassadors there to ask the local government about several things: 1) their worldview 2) are they interested in trade and what can they offer 3) how do they feel about us and our religion 4) do they agree to accept our religion 5) what other nations have they heard about and how they feel about them 6) will they change their opinion if we sponsor them
VoidLord002: where did you get the rubber for the wheels and knowledge of exactly how to burn oil products
and PLEASE do not stop yesyesy from seeing that, kit247!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where is our territory? the wone at X:216 and Y:150? well, we are expanding all around that node!
we welcome the drake empire, giving 100$ as a fund for their first city. we hope that we can be allys
re: VoidLord002: where did you get the manufacturing technology, the technology of our engines and the technology of the gear shaft. - we decended form beamliens, we have their tech.
we decided to continue experiments with rays emanating from a lamp and a barium oxide screen. The scientist who discovered this accidentally stuck his hand between the screen and the lamp, and when he did this he saw his bones and a ring on the screen. we also noticed that the same substance also made the screen glow. we assumed that these rays have more energy, and it is because of this radiation that it is easier for lightning to pass through the air near these rays.
* id:3064159
Are you sure you're not wrong? these coordinates are directly at sea - ID: 3064159
Unity_Lost: oh, we are dwarves too!