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28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
nationwide maps 1984 hellonearth


  • kit237
    19th Dec 2023
    VoidLord002: where did you get the manufacturing technology, the technology of our engines and the technology of the gear shaft
  • Unity_Lost
    19th Dec 2023
    And we start prospecting for oil in order to generate power
  • Unity_Lost
    19th Dec 2023
    We start with ships to expand across other small islands, and start building outposts on those islands to start defining our borders with small stones
  • VoidLord002
    19th Dec 2023
    in our second city, (mushroom city) a commen chef discovers how to make a type of crude oil with mushrooms while cooking. (the eatery burned down) this oil burns for a lone time, a cup of it able to burn for two hours. we do not reveal how it is made, but we do export the goods to our ally, ThingamabobOverseer.
  • Unity_Lost
    19th Dec 2023
    400, 148. Light Gray. Name: Republic of Asherem. Specialization: Deep Mining, and Metalworking
  • VoidLord002
    19th Dec 2023
    We will expand 10 pix east from X:226 Y:138. We will build a Oil Drill at X:226 Y:137. - beamngdriver. (ps, please do our expantion)
  • VoidLord002
    19th Dec 2023
    we have no men for fighting so they just make propaganda. they will bee moved out and put in a city farr away from the capitol. also, seeing that we have no factorys, we expeld 50$ to make the factories. now, we can build tractors. another 50$ for onership rights goes to you.
  • VoidLord002
    19th Dec 2023
    no. his name is isaac proton!
  • kit237
    19th Dec 2023
    and how will this doctrine oppose me?
  • kit237
    19th Dec 2023
    VoidLord002: Jimmy Neutron was born lol