We will build a Oil Drill at X:226 Y:137
Stop making so much comments
what color should the G.E (grape empire) be?
VoidLord002: no, Im not talking about x10 y30, Im talking about x30 y41
We also study the strange properties of piezo elements. we notice that if a one-way current is applied there, then on one side of the element it will be cold and on the other hot. We are creating a circuit in which a cold temperature was maintained inside an insulated iron box. we supply merchant ships with these boxes so that perishable goods can be transported. when we tried to freeze the milk we ended up with ice cream. We liked it and started selling ice cream with cane tea and berries
ok that nation who made that city were not beam, they are the yellow nation
I create devices that can detect metal objects from afar using electromagnetic waves. We find them on other continents and bring seeds to our farms. We have also studied natural selection, and are starting to select vegetables, fruits and grains. I discover a substance that does not kill people and some plants, but kills pests. We are breeding plants that are resistant to this substance, more tasty and with smaller seeds.