Im building 5 farms and 6 cities ID:3063048, Its the end of the year and no one can attack me because of winter
lol my country looks like a snake
we had already studied the virus well at the time of inventing the medicine. we even began to doubt a little that it was miasma, since the disease could be transmitted through liquid.
you could have a sample to study it and how it was so deadly, like we did irl with smallpox. this could help with your theory on miasma and health care, though. i advise you do so. (it can be used as a unstable bio wepon)
you are quite something! how ever, burning bodys is a no go, but this is canceled out via the help you gave.
after there are no infected people, the virus will simply die out, because birds and fish have no symptoms that spread the virus faster than it dies
im sorry! well, you are half done with stoping it. only a cople thousand WILL die, but with all those citys you will only lose a tiny amount of your population. I have lost half, eliminating a tiny milla, only like 100 or so. i am virtualy defenceless. however, it to has sadly infected my ally, :( i also hope that we CAN be allys. the upper class is not worryed about your nation
I dont have my religion in Akulon, so I dont know how to tell people about observing quarantine and cleanliness. I'll hire bards to sing about how the disease is spreading and spend 28 on burning and disinfect corpses and distributing medicine. again, I do this as quickly as possible. you have no funeral rituals or decrees on the disposal of corpses, so no one will resent our help. those who will do all this will have a mask like a crow's beak, with filters in it.