I distribute medicine in Alaniesa Empire (20 for each city) for 200 (20*8+40, 40-capital, 8-number of cities) and in religion I say that any manifestation of uncleanness must be burned/disinfected. I do all this at the maximum speed with which it is generally possible to do it. I also order all captains who believe in my religion to use ship quarantine, perhaps some of them will be fired, and maybe even imprisoned, but all this will be done for the benefit of humanity
I invent collectives supported by the state (me) using machines adapted for sowing, plowing and reaping. let the field be just 1 sponge pixel, cost 5 and bring 1/24 per hour (1 per day)
soo, yeah. that was why half of my population died
we burn or disinfect all manifestations of dirt made by the infected
we have a theory of miasma, according to which such waste causes diseases, because of this we are the cleanest people in the world
VoidLord002 seems to specifically want to destroy my nation
it spreads to the animals via sewage (it causes explosive diarria, so explosive that the intestines are ripped out) this sewage is made by the existence of no proper pluming or higeine
I have declared isolation, fish and birds will not be able to infect people, all food coming into the city is well evaporated.
even if the virus mutated, it would not be able to mutate enough to be protected by a vaccine! Even the coronavirus did not mutate so quickly.
it also affects fish and birds, and they also naw have a longer period with out symptomes