Lawlessness flourishes in the grape empire during the absence of government. Taking advantage of the absence of a government, I spread my religion there, and then gradually take over the authorities. I will spend 100 on temples and bribery, in the end I put the high priest of my religion (myself) in the place of the head of the grape empire.
I also realize when communicating with Aculon that many of them not only speak the Beam nation's language,but also small amounts of Alanysian, which spread to the northern islands prior to their collapse.We believe that either some members of the Beam Empire either fled to the island and joined Aculon,or it was a colony that gained independence after the war had ended.
I build oil drills at (X:270,Y:255) and (X:275,Y:255) so I don't go broke.
kit237: Only cities, the capital and oil drills can actually produce income. Cities produce $1/Hr, Capitals produce $11/Hr and Oil drills produce $20/Hr. Your territory, ships, planes, troops do not produce anything. This is aplied to all nations.
An engineer named Al'uma also designs blueprints for a giant "landship" with one large cannon for long distance artillery fire.Due to its large size and needing larger engines, they are even more expensive than the cinderships at 115$.
There are already 8 comments, and 7 of them are gigantic. I wont let yesyesy read the comments of Aculon and beamngdriver.