we studied this through a microscope and find out that the bacteria of this disease become sluggish, then the theory is expressed that the body adapts to a weak version of the disease, and then the body is ready for a strong version of the disease
when ThingamabobOverseer's ships moored to the aculon's territories, we were very surprised. We combined an antiseptic, an antibiotic and a substance isolated from gastric juice. We bribe some of the infected to experiment with healing substances. once, at the required proportions, an infection entered the petri dish. No one noticed, but it helped. The presence of the disease became clear only after treatment.
We use cargo steamships to deliver the antibiotic from the mushroom forests to Aulon in order to fight off the infection before it spreads.A doctor using a microscope discovers rods shaking around when looking at a blood sample from one of the infected patients.These were not present in healthy samples,and are likely what causes the illness.
I am isolating the lands of Aulon from the whole world so that the epidemic does not spread. one biologist published a paper on possible ways to destroy miasma. there were listed: alcohol, adapted organism and fire. One scientist, Pavlik, discovered insulin. he extracted it from the stomach juice of a dog. Also from this juice something else was synthesized that could poison the bacteria with which Pavlik was infected. we assumed that alcohol was present in gastric juice to dissolve food.
I repeat my questions: <<the following questions will be discussed: 1) the history of this people 2) whether they know about other nations 3) their worldview 4) how they relate to our religion 5) their level of technological development 6) whether slavery has been abolished in them 7) whether they are interested in trade and what can they offer>>
Remembering the theory of miasma, we create a filter from coal and fabric, attaching it to a bandage soaked in an antiseptic, we called it a respirator. We are equipping our ambassadors with this and are waiting for an answer to our questions. if ignored, we will simply spread information about the existence of the aculon
I learn about the disease in Aulon, and I remember that it once happened during the capture of northern Daxoria. we called this "maladaptability" to local diseases. we noticed that children differ slightly from their parents, and created the theory of evolution, in which, due to such small changes, new classes, species, orders, etc. appear.
This is our slogan: "Daxoria Drools, Aculon Rules"
lets talk in the aculon flag page (tomorrow, as where i am it is night)