thank you beam (can i call you beam?)
kit237 - please dont post 600 comments in one hour, yesyesy need to see my comment
For you Aculon: We will expand 10 pixels from X:226 Y:139
ps, beamngdriver, you should do somthing with our nation
kit237 is getting to powerful. yesyesy, should there not be bad things like illness? i self made one in my capital! diseases and natural disasters should happen! especially to strong nations!
meanwile, in the capital we are suffuring from a unknown disease, which affects the bowels. after a few years, we gather immunity, but if it gets to the mainland, it will kill many.
we expand seven pixels of the lower left of our capital, when we have the money, we will establish a city there.
Ill calculate the income that you accrued to me: 747-(1085-500)=747-585=162. this is 3534 lower than it should be
yesyesy: in total I already have 19 cities of daxoria, 4 cities of northern daxoria, 1 capital, 6 oil drills, 21 airships, 1 plane, 1 ship, 10 thousand warriors and 206 pixels (11021 km) 19*24+4*24+11*24+6*20*24=456+96+264+2880=3696 my income should be 3696.
we discover their similarities with the people of the northern Daxoria. most who were similar to them were 8 years old. It was precisely this amount of time ago that the troops of the beam nation were sent in the direction of this continent. we assume that they found this tribe. the other majority were much older, even older than the beam nation. we assume that this place is the birthplace of the beam nation