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28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
nationwide maps 1984 hellonearth


  • kit237
    15th Dec 2023
    my plane has already passed the equator, the studied territory: ID:3062781. I will send him to study zones 1, 2 and 3 so that northern daxoria is not cut off from the world by white spots on the map. After that, I will send him to study zones 5 and 4.
  • kit237
    15th Dec 2023
  • kit237
    15th Dec 2023
    yesyesy: I looked in the comments and these are the coordinates of all cities (both built and not): x462 y341, x454 y344, x556 y342, x558 y341, x537 y348, x548 y347, x592 y250, x578 y337, x588 y264, x586 y26 3, x458 y342 , x464 y336, x467 y336, x465 y338, x458 y339, x462 y336, x456 y340, x462 y336, x458 y335 and x430 y311
  • VoidLord002
    15th Dec 2023
    we also see the scout plane, and wait for it to return. when it does we contact it, asking them not to spread the word of our existance, as wwe do not want to be known as a easy target for war atacs
  • VoidLord002
    15th Dec 2023
    we expand down to X:266 Y:149, when we reach $100 we will make a city there
  • VoidLord002
    15th Dec 2023
    remember beamngdriver! you co-run my nation!
  • yesyesy
    15th Dec 2023
    ThingamabobOverseer: ae sorry
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    15th Dec 2023
    Wait why are my boats still stuck there
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    14th Dec 2023
    We also send back our cindership fleets and send a scout plane north, and discover what looks to be a small civilization on the ground.The pilot explores the area around a bit and returns to refuel.But we are still wary after the several other wars in the northern continents.
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    14th Dec 2023
    I also send a fleet to (X:570,Y:215),and establish a small colony which eventually grows into a city.This city's economy will mostly focus on mining and industry since it's far too arid to sell enough crops.