I will build cities gradually, so that if I am attacked I can cancel the construction of the rest. I also give the construction team a transmitter and receiver. I create a special code, the key of which changes every day, the key is determined by a mathematical algorithm. all information on these radios will be transmitted using this code
I build cities on x462 y341, x454 y344, x556 y342, x558 y341, x537 y348, x548 y347, x592 y250, x578 y337, x588 y264 and x586 y263. I specifically build cities in mountain fortifications so that my cities cannot be captured. I'm gradually becoming a dwarf.
I also return the steamships back home.We also start selling tree-shroom sap and volcanic rock to other nations,in exchange for metals and salt.
kit237: Antennas can use DC,but only in small pulses and very short distances.The antenna we're using is basically just a metal rod with current pulses flowing through it and another machine to receive the waves like very basic morse code.
ThingamabobOverseer: it doesnt work that way. To transmit a signal over such a distance, you need an amplifier of alternating current, and not just ordinary electricity. you just learned only static electricity
When trying to see what happens when current passes through an iron rod,we accidentally discover a weak wave is produced which causes very slight voltage in nearby machines.Two of the researchers,both 25m away,are able to transmit a signal to each other.
oops. well, we can turn on and of expantion i guess
oh, we only expand if we have money two
sorry about this spam and such