one more thing, my and beamngdriver's people are not stupid and lazy like original beamempirials, but determined to survive. some of our pepole are tribals who are great fighters, but have rich history and culture. as the years pass*, old beam culture and tribal culture merge in to one, the aculon culture. the culture is all about balence, freedom and order, allowing for slight bending of the rules, creating the possability of sub divisions * i think that a day isn't realy one year, but many
also, how do you make money?
oftter our establishment, we expand in all directions for ten pixels. next year, twenty, and so on. untill we are met with opposition, (such as the sea, rival nations, or hostile enviroments) please note, if it is the sea gap is not large, we will cross using boats. along with this, we will not expamd past the following cords, 175 and 87 X axis, 97 and 154 Y axis.
I give these devices to the city heads, now they can deliver me any information at any time
Once, when trying to assemble a multiplier using vacuum tubes, we ended up with a theremin. it could create sound from the position of the hands between two antennas. We assume that these antennas create something like waves that are reflected from the hands and turned into sound waves by a transformer. Next, we assemble a microphone and antennas to transmit sounds through waves and assemble a receiver with a speaker
the new nation is the Aculoss federation, or the Aculoss for short. most history has been lost, but a few elders were able to re-create the pictures of the History Redwood. due to us starting out on a mostly un-known contanent/arhipelago, our foundation is unknown aswell. we befriend the local tribe and, with their knowlege of the land mass, survive with ease.
my civ will start at X226 and Y141, it is a nation of survivors of the Beam nation, the nation of Beamngdriver. this is because it would be exciting to have such a cool backstory. Beamng driver can co-run the nation, in memmory of the fallen empire.
15 days in and we already have more comments than Galaina :skull: