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28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
nationwide maps 1984 hellonearth


  • kit237
    10th Dec 2023
    yesyesy: yes, it is now part of the lands of Daxoria and the Grape Empire. can you remove the beam nation line from the countries table, and by the way, where is the grape empire in this table?
  • kit237
    10th Dec 2023
    I convert all the currency of my northern lands into paper currency using my banking technology. this will avoid the growing crisis and cover the debt by selling gold (I transfer the currency of the people living there)
  • abacaxicomuva
    9th Dec 2023
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    9th Dec 2023
    I expand an extra 10px north from(x280,y216), building smaller mining and farming towns to sell resources, giving a fairly large boost to our economy.We also develop antibiotics using a special species of tree-shroom that has a sap similar to penicillin.
  • yesyesy
    9th Dec 2023
    Beam Nation is now under Daxorian control, correct?
  • kit237
    9th Dec 2023
    we will divide the territory approximately like this ID:3061400
  • kit237
    9th Dec 2023
    After defeating the army, the cities will not offer strong resistance when captured due to the crisis, aggression on the throne, rebellion and our religion. The capital will be captured first, then we will take the ruler prisoner and go to other cities. After the final victory of the anti-beam coalition, the time will come to divide the territory between the grape empire and daxoria. the city x404 y84 with a warmer climate will go to the grape empire, the rest will go to Daxoria.
  • kit237
    9th Dec 2023
    I hire 10 thousand soldiers, and spend 84 on supplying the army with newly invented devices. in total, the anti-beam coalition will have 31 thousand soldiers, 20 airships and 1 plane. with the beginning of the thaw, I will send all 31 thousand troops and 20 airships to war (x295 y83). a few hours before they become visible from the horizon, I will quietly shoot down the S.A.S. with my plane and send him to help destroy the army of the beam nation.
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    9th Dec 2023
    yesyesy:I did it for the memes
  • yesyesy
    9th Dec 2023
    ThingamabobOverseer: the city that is out of bounds is inside a salt desert, look in the corner for a yellow dot. Also it wont produce anything lol