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28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
nationwide maps 1984 hellonearth


  • ThingamabobOverseer
    8th Dec 2023
    Also what's the victory condition? Do we just have to obliterate everyone,get the most territory,or just get the most $$$
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    8th Dec 2023
    Our army engineers create a "handheld cannon" using a special powder that deflagrates when hit, soaked in pyroa.A spring hits a container full of the powder and detonates it to fire a pointed projectile hard enough to pierce most armor,they are slow to reload but are far more powerful than old crossbows.
  • Beamngdriver
    8th Dec 2023
    Builds will begin to be built with sapcrete, instead of Boreal Wood.
  • Beamngdriver
    8th Dec 2023
    We plan to use sapcrete with Titanium rods to reinforce it. We also will start to use it to make large walls covering the perimeter of our nation, So no spies can get in...
  • Beamngdriver
    8th Dec 2023
    We have discovered something interesting. Ground rocks, sap, and water make something interesting. Here what happened, the miners who figured this out were trying to make syrup, but broke the stone bucket. They cleaned up the sap and powder mess with water, but it just got worse. They went home. The next day, the sutff was solid, unbreakable, and un chippable. I call it "sapcrete".
  • kit237
    8th Dec 2023
    since the ruler of the grape empire has gone somewhere, I will hire him 10k soldiers at his expense
  • Beamngdriver
    8th Dec 2023
    Even though our people are dumb, the council came together one day and sugegsted that we avoid war. The people of beam nation did not like the idea though, because they didn't think there were nations more powerful. But the leader finally decided to "cancel" the war. He was too lazy and busy to command anyone. He was focused on land, but not conquest or invention. He did not want to compete, or be spied on.
  • kit237
    8th Dec 2023
    Beamngdriver:yes, but if there are no maps, they will have to re-explore the path, and they will only be able to swim there on the next turn.
  • Beamngdriver
    8th Dec 2023
    i almost want to quit though cause im in debt and caught in a bad spot.
  • Beamngdriver
    8th Dec 2023
    And When They Shout, It Is A Deafening Sound.