You Don't Know the Power of 31,000 Soldiers. If They All Stood in A Sqaure, They Would Cover Hundreds of Feet.
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Ok our plane uses turbooprop to fly
Studying metallurgy, we find a cheap alloy very similar to gold. I spend 33 on creating a large amount of this alloy, and load it onto my plane (without overloading it) and then drop it on the beam nation in portions so as not to overload the plane, while keeping it at the correct altitude. this will cause hyperinflation and then a crisis in the absence of an economic system. it will be like the great depression in america. this effect will increase the debt of the beam nation exponentially.
after the SAS fell, we studied its structure and compared it with drawings. Using our knowledge of air and the knowledge of formulas, we found a couple of errors in the design that were fatal for the apparatus. we add wings to a regular airship, making them more voluminous and changing the structure of the turbines beyond recognition. they now run on kerosene. I spend 100 on this, now I have a fast, durable, capable of flying and not gliding plane
put it on the purchase list: -T.P.C.- Price: 50 money About: The Turbo Prop Craft can shoot a new projectile that is more aerodynamic. The projectile is shaped like a kingfisher bird, so it can move through the air better. The projectile is hollow and filled with gun powder. When the projectile is launched from a small pipe, it slowly burns, and after it hits someone or something, it will lodge in them, and the fire timer will make it explode later.
After we finished perfecting our turboprop plane, we decide to put a patent on it and keep it top secret so no one steals our idea.
Remember the turboprop plane we invented? We will use it later.
SAS may have managed to fly, but SAS will not be able to return.
Let's not forget that this is not a fighter, but just a glider, and it will not be able to fly forever, just as it will not be able to shoot, because it has strong limitations due to imperfection