28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
Beamngdriver: don't forget that we changed all your navigation aids and you ended up going to the island x226 y137
also too on our boat
We will bring 10 tons of gunpowder.
Also I have 21,000 troops, they can shoot anything and kill one ship in jsut minutes
Doesnt matter if i brought gunpowder or not the nation wide isnt that realistic where we need to bring gunpowder
10 of my airships can easily disintegrate 1 of yours. and one more thing: you forgot to take gunpowder with you
We will attack the sppies of the world. daxdria.
Sail my troops to X:441 Y:313 after I buy 10K more troops
S.A.S. will attack overhead at X:430 Y:311 with rifles.
I agree to restore the Grapean Empire because they gave me grapes.