I will remagnetize the compasses and redraw the maps like this ID:3061008
and now, based on it, I create a complex economic scheme. we called it a <<bank>>, it will greatly boost the economic system, and make it more stable and more manageable by the state.
I am completely withdrawing the spies, and now I am allowing some outstanding scientists to go and study in Alanyesia Empire, but on the condition that they return. I invent a passport and oblige the Daxorians to wear it at all times. Now they cant do almost anything without a passport.
Im conducting a blitz attack on the city x409 y261. After the beam nation leaves this land, I will propose to the Alanyesia Empire to restore the grape empire. If the grape empire is revived, I will create a coalition with the grape empire against the beam nation.
oh yes, and my spies are also planting fake plans and instructions on the ruins of burnt libraries that will cause a lot of harm if you try to build them. they will do this before Historic Redwood is burned.
my spies understand that they will soon die, and therefore they: 1) change the maps of the stars on the ships 2) reverse the magnetization of the compasses on the ships 3) add poison to the food/water vats for the military 4) after all this they completely burn all the libraries, drawings, instructions for creating any things and the History Redwood.
yesyesy, please change the airship icons to tank icons so that I can understand how many airships I have
<<im building 10 tanks (airships) on x432 y302 for 250 gold, because im scared>> - I remember how then I was really afraid of war. now I have 21 airships and 10k warriors. lol
From existing drawings I create an airship optimized for water. I hire 10 thousand warriors, equipped with crossbows, chain mail, and musical trumpets, explosive resin and poison from the swamps for 250. I create 10 tanks (airships), equipped with medical supplies, a spyglass, rope, papyrus and explosive resin for 250
I discover rubber, and in an attempt to make it more viscous and less fusible, we create a mixture of petroleum, rubber and sulfur, which, when heat treated, becomes what we call "rubber". this mixture is also non-flammable and quite durable. we can now produce less flammable and cheaper airships.