It turns out all our inventions were based off of our experiences or nature. Luckily the Birdwatchers had noticed more nature. The birds tilt and turn their heads to turn left and right. The use momentum from wing flapping and body movement to help them go up and down. We decided to use this on the airplane. The pilot can pull on parts of the wing to angle it, we called it "wing warping". The first plane ever was successful after the test flight. The new pilot survived.
And keep it in the air. The first airplane ever was launched off of a ramp. It was able to fly, but the pilot could not control it. All he could do was cut off the turboprop engines. Luckily, he glided down slowly. But he began to stall and did a 70 degree starboard roll. the plane crashed at 30 mph. The pilot was killed.
We also noticed that they flap their wings to go up. But we already have our S.A.S., so we know that flapping doesnt make all creatures fly. Our S.A.S. uses hot air to make it rise. However, it rises faster then it flies. So we decide design something with bird wings, for gliding, and use Boreal Wood turboprops on the wings. This will allow it to flie forward way more faster than the S.A.S.
Men and Women have been bird watching for many years now. They noticed that birds have long, flat and wide arms. The seem to be able to fly because of that type of arm. We find out that they have feathers so they can keep warm. We also noticed that feathers float slowly to the ground, so we conclude that the feathers keep them warm and help them fly because they float in the air.
well not get it but discover it in the ocean**
kit237- how did you get oil from the ocean
As the first decade is soon to end, we decided to expand 10 pixels east from X:404 Y:80
After the new written and spoken language Alanyesian had become our dominant language, we have become writers. Not very good though, we write like preschoolers. The average civlian is pretty dumb and barely uses writing as everyday habit. However, some have started to write books and let them be borowed at buildings called "Libraries". We dont allow history in them, as the History Redwood might become usless.
Kit237- What do you think about the drawings on The History Redwood. Are they good.