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28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
nationwide maps 1984 hellonearth


  • Beamngdriver
    7th Dec 2023
    Im not ray nation im beam nation
  • kit237
    7th Dec 2023
    our spies learned from the ray nation that sometimes oil can be found under the arctic zones. we decided to check it out, and based on the drawings of the beam nation, we are creating our own version, but using our engines. we build this on x462 y351, the object receives the strictest secrecy
  • Beamngdriver
    7th Dec 2023
    I just finished making 10 oil drills. Do you want to buy one for 20.
  • kit237
    7th Dec 2023
    Beamngdriver: We discovered oil before you attacked the grape empire
  • kit237
    7th Dec 2023
    Beamngdriver: x496 y282
  • kit237
    7th Dec 2023
    We continue to study the theory of atoms, and begin to study chemistry. we are beginning to allow proven and outstanding students to gain knowledge of chemistry, we are discovering connections between elements and creating a new type of microscope: a tiny needle moves through a substance, a directed beam of light shines on it, reflected onto a mixture of cinnabar, papyrus and something else. Thus, we enlarge the image and capture it.
  • Beamngdriver
    7th Dec 2023
    kit237- Where did you get oil from.
  • kit237
    7th Dec 2023
    We noticed that the fewer wires wound on the magnet, the greater the lightning. we tried to take an iron core and wrap 2 wires around it: one thin but with a large number of turns, the second thicker and with fewer turns, creating a circuit that converts electricity.
  • Beamngdriver
    7th Dec 2023
    -Oil Drill- Cost: 20 Money Requirements: Oil can ony be found in Desert, Boreal, or Artic zones. Our oil drills are not oil rigs, so you can't extract oil from a riverbed or seabed. Income: +20 money/hr Notes: Oil will get you very very rich. Do not exploit oil. We haven't manufactured any yet, the only one we have is the one invented. 10 will be manufactured soon. Oil might run out after Year 200.
  • kit237
    7th Dec 2023
    ThingamabobOverseer:firstly: we have not yet published research on electricity, secondly: no one has even invented transformers yet