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28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
nationwide maps 1984 hellonearth


  • Beamngdriver
    7th Dec 2023
    He decided that he could try using a giant pickaxe, the size of a door, and attach it to a steam engine that could oscilate. The giant pickaxe could rock back and forth, bringing up more oil each time. But the oil would just spill everywhere, so he had to find a way to keep it contained. He decided to atttach the end of the pick to a pump, and the pump would move the oil to a storage tank.
  • Beamngdriver
    7th Dec 2023
    A man from beam nation is a miner. He mines our abundance of titaniumm. One day while on lunch break, a bug trying to enter his lunch bag was approaching. He attempted to hit the bug , but instead hit the ground. An oily fluid was on the pickaxe when he picked it up. What he was left with was a bug in his sandwich, but also, a new discovery.
  • Beamngdriver
    7th Dec 2023
    ok wheres my map expansion 10 pixels east from X:404 Y:80?
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    7th Dec 2023
    I develop a better,longer lasting recipe for sillocrete using iron rods and a classified material.Also the new population from the former Grapean Empire causes a town in (x370,y250) to become a major city named San Grapea.
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    6th Dec 2023
    After seeing how a plant's seeds use a large leaf to glide in the wind,a man sees how the air seems to exert a force on the surface.So he folds a piece of paper in a similar shape,and notices the higher the surface area,the slower an object falls.He does the opposite effect to make faster pointed projectiles instead of solid balls for cannons.
  • Beamngdriver
    6th Dec 2023
    They also brought the written language "Alanyesian" back. The language was taught to the children and sooon became the dominant language in Beam Nation.
  • Beamngdriver
    6th Dec 2023
    The first school and subject was invented when the children, now 30, taught other children how to do what they called "Literature".
  • Beamngdriver
    6th Dec 2023
    The children then went back to the homeland and told the great news to people waiting for them at the docks.
  • Beamngdriver
    6th Dec 2023
    Some children from our empire were born there, and when their parents went back to the homeland, once they were old enough they were taught by the leader of Alanyesia how to write and read. These were the first people of beam nation to learn how to read and write.
  • Beamngdriver
    6th Dec 2023
    One day some sea voyagers wound up in the 2 overseas empires.