I create a written language using wood and squid ink.Also a scientist researching high voltage accidentally causes a massive bolt of lightning to shot out from a coil hooked up to a capacitor.This lets him develop a theory that electricity can jump between 2 objects if given a large amount of energy.
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By learning about the discovery of optics, we begin to study man. we study and discover cells. some cells were different, some were able to shrink, some had several processes reaching out to other cells. we find them similar to triodes, pentodes, and spark-ignited pistons. An experiment was carried out in which contacts were connected to the frog's paw, and after applying current to the contacts, the paws moved
In the town square we have the History Redwood. In December the far north made it very dark, even during the day. So we decorated our History redwood with bioluminscent bugs. They glow in the dark and also when their dead. People were so jolly about the illuminated tree in the town square that they start gifting people with stuff all of the sudden. We called that day, "Christmas". We plan to do it again next year at the same time.
We also draw to show our history. We draw a woman boiling a pot of tea on a Giant Redwood, almost like a totem pole, to express our history and discoories. We call it the History Redwood. We record all our inventions on there.
And yes, we dont know how to write, read, or count, but we can speak, and thats how we remember our knowledge. pass it down thru the generation.
Also We already discovered the boiling of water, after brweing tea. Then one day a tea makers noticed the pot exploded if she left the water on for too long. She discovered the pisston. It wasnt until year 5 that we found out about the wheel. So she aatched the pot lid to a rod and linked the rod to a wheel and when she boiled the water lo and behold, the steam engine was discovered.
The same engineer who built the steam powered crab builds a ship capable of moving against the wind without paddles using steam engines.Research in light manipulation also leads to the invention of microscopes to study biology.