with the help of my spies, i research all the technologies of other nations. also, after opening trade routes, i spread my religion, and after learning that other nations have achieved great economic development, i invent and establish a technocracy. im also freeing all slaves, and now privileges are given not by inheritance, but for achievements in modernization, industrialization and engineering
I construct an 143ft tower in the capital using new construction methods, serving as both a temple and a defense structure for archers.A chemist also develops fireworks using the explosive fluff from the trade route
I also begin trading silocrete and pyroa with the Daxorains for explosive
A renowned engineer builds a "steel crab",a metal steam powered machine designed to resemble a crab,that uses water pistons to move each of it's legs.Another researcher connects a metal cylinder to a turbine,then climbs onto a ship to harness the wind and somehow store the energy in the cylinder.
but if you have it flown to you you have to pay for the water reffil which costs 40
So you choose is you want it flown to you or shipped shipped takes longer
Also forgot to mention the airship weighs 4 tons, so for one to be shipped to your nation, it will take 3 days (our boats can carry 11k troops, but not a 4 ton airship)
There are no types of airships yet, but a man named Veonardo La Dinchi has just design a steam engine-powered airship called the S.A.S. (stands for Steam Air Ship). It uses the engine to turn 8 Boreal Wood Propellers at speeds of up to 2000 rpm. 3 engines power the airship. The blueprints have been sold to a manufacturer in the capital, 5 have rolled out for sale. Price is 115.