Also expand 10px north from x221,y220
Seeing the aftermath of the Grape War,I build one of the powerful Cinder Ships at (x285,235) to defend myself from other nations.They cost around 85.
Alanyesia,the one on the little jungle island
ThingamabobOverseer- what empire are you?
Our armies will return back to the homeland, seems grapean empire surredndered or dissapeared sundeenly
I also use the grapes from the Grapean Empire to make grape juice and put grapes in our grape salad and grow grapes with grapes that have grape seeds.Also grapes.
A group of explorers make contact with Daxoria in central Platano-land,and start trying to translate their language.They learn about the civilization that killed off the Grapeans and go split off with one group sailing north to try and trade with the Beam empire, and another staying to continue mapping out the new continent
yes i could have defended against beam easily