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28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
nationwide maps 1984 hellonearth


  • yesyesy
    5th Dec 2023
    Year 7
  • kit237
    5th Dec 2023
    how were the ships of the beam nation able to reach another continent so quickly? the well-equipped ships of Christopher Columbus were able to reach another continent in a few years with gigantic losses, and the ships of a country that only a year ago learned how to build them reached another continent in a year and without a single loss? seriously?
  • kit237
    5th Dec 2023
    i begin to study psychology, and the structure of the human mind, i also begin to study sound, and i understand that it acts like waves on the surface of water. im creating musical loud trumpets made of bronze. i create an orchestra of several trumpets of different notes, and teach people to blow on the trumpets at the right moment to create an ominous loud voice
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    5th Dec 2023
    The discovery of gold and huge iron deposits at (x225,y211) lets it upgrade to a new city.
  • kit237
    5th Dec 2023
    fun fact: if we assume that the planet Zoarie is equal in size to the earth, then one pixel will be equal to ~53km 344m (85.848846336 miles)
  • kit237
    5th Dec 2023
    third, if you do not take into account the capital. also i will move the airship to x454 y332 so that it does not cover the city below it
  • kit237
    5th Dec 2023
    im building my third (omg) city on x456 y340. one engineer brought his invention to the capital. These are birds made of iron and sitting on also iron branches of a tree, but capable of moving with the help of steam from burning coal. I pass this on to the main temple where I live, so that the monks can study this miracle in detail and document the mechanism in detail
  • kit237
    5th Dec 2023
    i invent writing and teach it to monks to create sacred scriptures, and the people too, so that they can read these scriptures
  • kit237
    5th Dec 2023
    recently, a peasant family had a barrel filled with rotten grape juice, but someone drank it and became drunk, but did not die. this is how we open wine. When the medical expert heard the story of this, he did not believe it, since he believed that the putrid miasma was deadly. after checking the information, he came up with the theory that wine contains substances that protect against miasma. now we have antiseptic and greater protection against disease
  • kit237
    5th Dec 2023
    after opening a new gold mine in the mountains, one philosopher thought that this might devalue gold, so we open up the economy and change the currency. now these are silk banknotes, which are convenient to store and difficult to counterfeit