I'm going to colonize x225,y211.Then use the mycelium and plant matter to create a flammable oil like substance that burns hotter and longer,and use the material to smelt iron and bronze.Then,I develop the ability to build basic water purification centers using porous volcanic rock.
why does a city and an army of 1k look the same?
After I build the ship, I will go to x453 y335 to mine minerals from the mountains. Next, I study the magnetic properties of certain minerals after smelting and use this to create a compass. After the discovery of these properties, other people of my nation discovered iron and copper by smelting.
no way beam nation on x30 y41
im going to x434 y329 to colonize the territory in the swamp. after that i use animal skin, wood and swamp gas to build an flying ship. it is comparable to a tank, so it will cost 50
First colonize x290,y258 to get resources that weren't possible to obtain on the tropical islands of the homeland.Next I am also developing larger ships to trade between.Then,I research astronomy to navigate the seas better.
do biomes and the resources in them matter or not? If not, then its just Go with obstacles and several players
superbantom:as i understand it, here we have the technology of antiquity. in order to join, write the coordinates of the pixel on which you want to base, and leave a save ID with the flag of your country and its name (the flag must be 4 by 8)
and what is be our technology
how does I join this thing