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28th Nov 2023
25th Dec 2023
nationwide maps 1984 hellonearth


  • kit237
    20th Dec 2023
    Beamngdriver: I used the ships on which you transported your troops, thanks for that ;D
  • Beamngdriver
    20th Dec 2023
    ThingamabobOverseer - Uh oh- they declared war on you!
  • kit237
    20th Dec 2023
    Aculon will be captured first, because the message from him will not have time to reach his ally. then the distant colonies of the Alanyesan Empire will be captured, then the southern lands and northern lands will be captured, and the capital lands will find themselves between a rock and a hard place ID:3064477
  • kit237
    20th Dec 2023
    I declare war on the alliance of Aulon and the Alanyesan Empire for their blasphemy. Im sending ships to blow up all the oil drills, now they will be de-energized. I also send airships (at high altitudes where a musket cannot reach) to drop explosive resin on military warehouses and cinderships, which contain gunpowder, fuel, oil and explosives necessary for firearms.
  • kit237
    20th Dec 2023
    I spend 1000 on improving the ships of the beam nation that I have left and creating new ships. I buy 250 tanks (for 2000), another 250 tanks (for 2000) and 1 million troops (5000) for 2000+2000+5000=9000
  • kit237
    20th Dec 2023
    the window will be narrow and low, but sufficient for viewing
  • kit237
    20th Dec 2023
    I will make that cannon larger than a hand cannon, and I will make a turning mechanism on top, next to the muzzle of the cannon there will be a thick glass window.
  • kit237
    20th Dec 2023
    One day the farm was attacked by wild animals. the farmer took the electrolysis gun and put it on the tractor. I thought this solution was quite ingenious. I designed a tractor with more stable wheels, the rubber of which was stretched over 2 wheels at once. a generator was powered from the shaft, which would convert gasoline into gas and burn it in a cannon or electrolyze water and burn detonating gas in a cannon.
  • kit237
    20th Dec 2023
    I build 16 walls, 3 farms and 1 oil drill for 16*40+3*5+1*20=640+15+20=675, ID: 3063048. Ill have 10002 left
  • kit237
    20th Dec 2023
    I change my color to green so that my territories on the water are better visible and I declare these territories as mine ID:3064457 (Im not expanding, I just declare these territories as mine)